Friday, July 12, 2013

Hi Ho Hi we go.

I have a date today.  It may even end with a kiss goodnight.

I am escorting King to several appointments.  He will be seen by the ENT, the CF care center and the surgeon.  It is quite the line up.  Let me just tell you-I should have lifted weights for this.

  • King requires an appointment with the ENT as a follow up for his last surgery.  The ENT will do a nasal endoscopy to assess the surgical site.  This will allow him to see inside the sinuses.  Since King has another sinus infection it is quite fortuitous that we have this appointment.  There has been mention of a stint being placed to force the sinuses open.  I wonder if we might discuss that further today?  
  • King also has an appointment at the CF care center.  This is his monthly appointment where weight to length will be charted, a throat culture will be done to see if he is a carrier of any serious bacteria that could damage his lungs and his medications and therapies will be reviewed.  
  • Additionally, King will need to be seen by the surgeon's office.  His G-tube (feeding tube button) has become red, irritated and weepy.  ***Just in case a parent is reading this that is scared of feeding tubes, I want you to know that this should not be a big issue.  I really don't want to scare you.  The feeding tube is the easiest thing ever...I mean that.***

I would be lying if I told you that I am not nervous.  I am.  I am nervous for King and nervous for me.  It's not that I think something bad is going to happen.  I just hope in the most raw way that we don't get any bad news.  What is bad news anyway?  We can handle anything, right?  Of course, this is not the first time that King has been to the ENT, the surgeon and the CF care center.  Old hat, right?

I hope he doesn't require another sinus surgery, I hope he doesn't culture any damaging bacteria and I hope that everything is OK with his G-tube.

Where is the fun in all this?  We get to see our friends, the doctors and nurses that understand us better than most anyone else.  We get to go on an adventure together.  We'll make memories.  The memories may or may not include a bloody nose for one or both of us!

Wish us luck as we shove off together.  "I've got your love and you know you got mine 
So were gonna make it, I know we will " Thats right, King, my most wonderfully made boy.

In the case that this is all too serious for you, please find humor at my expense.  It is the very least I can do for you, 
my friend:

At 10:30 AM CST I will be walking through a hospital wiping everything down with Lysol.  I may even wipe small children who appear contagious--because that is rational.  I usually get yelled at scorned by one nurse in particular for wiping the entire patient room with Lysol.  Yes, that includes the floor.  Am I the only one that has considered how dirty shoes are?  Hello?

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