Monday, October 8, 2012

Thoughts upon thoughts

My very dear friend and Emma Virginia's Godmama, Win Daniels, told me to write a blog.  Here is the problem: I have my suspicions about blogs.  Does one say that they write a blog or post a blog or OHMYGOSH this is so confusing!!!  It is not that I don't enjoy a good blog read (?).  I just don't know (definition of know: to apprehend clearly and with certainty) about them.  In fact, in no way am I clear or certain about the details of a blog.  However, I am intrigued.

There is one blog in particular that can pull me out of any fog any day at any time.  A funny-as-hell girl we went to Ole Miss with has a blog that leaves me guffawing and snorting maniacally every time I read it!  Most ofen on the racy side and always candid, I relish a new post from her. Then there are the blogs written by superbly negative mothers.  Those scare the H-E-doubleL outta me.  I know that these women are being honest (maybe?), but they don't even pepper their stories with happy.  I see the blogosphere (blog lingo, I think) as a community.  It even comes with cliques.  People that have health issue blogs tend to read others like them, crafty bloggers like other crafty blogs, mad mommies like other mad mommy blogs, and so on.

Here is the issue: I am having a major identity crisis.  I love so many aspects of  life (yes, mine) that I can't chose just one!  Since I have convinced myself that you, dear reader, may have an interest in one or more aspects of my life, you get to hear it all.  I am glad that some of you will join me through happy, sad, scary, thrilling, interesting, inspirational times.  I plan to tell you about the funny, sad, scary, thrilling, smart, tiring, interesting things that happen or have happened in my life as well as my role as mommy, wife, daughter, friend, innovator, volunteer, learner, faux medical professional, exercise procrastinator, and so on. 

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